See (something) through: to help accomplish or complete a taskħ2. Sanction: to approve, especially in an official capacity can also mean to ratify, or to censure)ħ1. Root for: to publicly make positive comments, or to applaud vocallyĦ8. Revive: to bring back to life or former improved circumstancesĦ7. Restore: to improve by returning to a previous, better condition, or to help rejuvenateĦ6. Rescue: to help someone or something harmed, in poor conditions, or in financial straitsĦ5. Relieve: to remove a burden or obligation, or to take one’s place in performing a taskĦ4. Reinforce: see encourage, or to strengthenĦ2. Push: to help in reaching an objectiveĦ1. Promote: provide help by advertising or by enabling publicityĦ0.

Patronize: to provide help through influence or financial supportĥ8. Palliate: to reduce discomfort or pain, or to excuseĥ6. Open doors: to provide help through influence or recommendationĥ5. Mollify: to assuage, soften, or sootheĥ3. Minister to: to give help to, especially in terms of emotional or physical needsĥ1. Launch: to help someone start an enterpriseĤ6. Intercede: to become involved on another’s behalfĤ5. Hype: to provide extravagant publicityĤ4. Guide: see advise, or to show or demonstrateĤ3. Favor: to give partisan help to someoneĤ1. Facilitate: to help enable something to occurģ6. Encourage: to inspire, or to help by offering a positive comment or making a helpful gestureģ5. Deliver: to convey something to anotherģ3. Cooperate: to proactively offer help, or to compromiseģ0. Contribute: to give financial or material help or to provide servicesĢ8. Comfort: to provide hope or strength, or to consoleĢ7. Cheer: to make someone feel better through deeds or words also, to applaud vocallyĢ6. Buttress: to strengthen figuratively or literallyĢ5. Boost: to physically help one up from below, or to help publicly also, slang for “steal”Ģ2. Bolster: to help in order to strengthenĢ0. Bail out: to help someone suffering hardship also, to abandon an enterpriseġ9. Back: to help with actions or words, or to help financiallyġ3. Ameliorate: to make better or more manageableġ1. Alleviate: see relieve, and to help correct or remove a problemħ. Aid: to provide something necessary to helpĦ. Advance: to speed up the development of an initiative or causeĥ. Accommodate: to offer something, especially to help meet a need or wantģ. Abet: to actively help with an endeavorĢ. Here are that number of synonyms and idiomatic phrases for the verb help:ġ. There are so many ways to help - at least eighty-five, I discovered.